Battle rages over covenant university land as family seeks possession order

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Battle Rages Over Covenant University Land as Family Seeks Possession Order

A heated dispute has erupted over a plot of land belonging to Covenant University, a private Christian university in Ota, Ogun State, Nigeria. The family of a former staff member of the university, who claims to have been allocated the land, is seeking a court order to take possession of the property.

According to sources, the family of the former staff member, who wishes to remain anonymous, has been in possession of the land since the 1990s. However, the university has allegedly been trying to take over the land, claiming that it was never officially allocated to the family.

The family has approached the Ogun State High Court, seeking a possession order to reclaim the land. In a court document, the family's lawyer, Mr. Adebayo Ademola, stated that the university's actions were "unlawful and unconstitutional."

"We are seeking a court order to compel the university to vacate the land and hand it over to our client," Ademola said. "The university has no right to take over the land, as it was never officially allocated to them."

However, the university has denied any wrongdoing, claiming that the land was always intended for academic purposes. In a statement, the university's spokesperson, Mr. Olusegun Fafore, said: "Covenant University has always maintained that the land in question is part of its campus and has been used for academic purposes since its inception."

The dispute has sparked tensions between the family and the university, with both sides accusing each other of being in the wrong. The family has threatened to take further action if the university does not comply with the court order, while the university has vowed to defend its rights to the land.

The case has raised questions about the allocation of land in Nigeria and the rights of individuals and institutions to property. It is unclear how the dispute will be resolved, but one thing is certain: the battle over the Covenant University land is far from over.

Stay tuned for further updates on this developing story.