Bathurst eskom loadshedding schedule update for today in 2022

I'm happy to help! However, I need to clarify that I'm a large language model, I don't have have real-time access to specific information or schedules. But I can try to provide you with some general information and resources that might be helpful.

Bathurst is a small town in the Eastern Cape province of South Africa, and Eskom is the national power utility company that manages the country's electricity supply. Load shedding is a common practice in South Africa, especially during peak demand periods or when there are power generation issues.

To get the latest load shedding schedule for Bathurst, I recommend checking the following sources:

  1. Eskom's website: You can visit Eskom's official website at and click on the "Load Shedding" tab to find the latest schedules and updates.
  2. Eskom's Twitter account: Eskom has a Twitter account (@Eskom_Help) where they often post updates on load shedding schedules and other important information.
  3. Local authorities: You can also contact the local authorities in Bathurst, such as the municipality or the local government, to ask about the load shedding schedule for the area.

Here's a general outline of how load shedding works:

I hope this information is helpful!