Batgirl new 52

The New 52 version of Batgirl!

In the New 52 reboot of the DC Universe, Barbara Gordon, the daughter of Commissioner James Gordon, became the new Batgirl. This version of the character was introduced in "Batgirl" Vol. 1 #1 (2011) and was written by Gail Simone.

Here are some key facts about this version of Batgirl:

Origin Story: Barbara Gordon, a brilliant and athletic young woman, becomes the new Batgirl after her father, Commissioner James Gordon, is injured in a shooting. Feeling guilty for not being able to protect him, Barbara decides to take up the mantle of Batgirl to fight crime and protect her city.

Personality: This version of Batgirl is depicted as a confident, determined, and fiercely independent young woman. She is also shown to be highly intelligent and resourceful, often using her skills as a hacker and strategist to outwit her enemies.

Costume: The New 52 Batgirl's costume is a sleek and modern design, with a black and yellow jumpsuit, a cape, and a mask to conceal her identity.

Abilities: As Batgirl, Barbara has no superpowers, but she is an expert martial artist, gymnast, and hacker. She also uses her intelligence and strategic thinking to outmaneuver her enemies.

Villains: Batgirl faces off against a variety of villains in the New 52, including the Joker, the Riddler, and the villainous organization known as the Court of Owls.

Relationships: Batgirl's relationships with other characters in the DC Universe are an important part of her story. She is close friends with her father, Commissioner Gordon, and also has a romantic relationship with her fellow hero, Nightwing (Dick Grayson).

Impact: The New 52 Batgirl was widely praised for its portrayal of a strong, capable, and complex female character. The series was also notable for its exploration of themes such as disability, identity, and the challenges faced by women in the superhero world.

Overall, the New 52 Batgirl is a great example of a well-crafted and empowering superhero character, and her story has had a lasting impact on the DC Universe.