Batch new line

You're looking for a way to add a new line in a batch script!

In a batch script, you can use the echo. command to add a new line. Here's an example:

@echo off

echo. This is the first line
echo. This is the second line

The echo. command will print a blank line, effectively adding a new line to your output.

Alternatively, you can use the echo. command with a carriage return (^&) to add a new line:

@echo off

echo. This is the first line^&

echo. This is the second line

The ^& symbol tells the batch script to treat the next character as a literal, so the echo. command will print a new line followed by the next line of text.

You can also use the set /p command to add a new line:

@echo off

set /p=""

echo. This is the first line

set /p=""

echo. This is the second line

The set /p command will prompt the user to press Enter, effectively adding a new line to your output.