Batch file new line in string

In a batch file, you can create a new line in a string using the following methods:

  1. Carriage Return and Line Feed (CR+LF): You can use the following syntax to create a new line:

    set myString=myValue^&^&echo.

    The ^& is used to escape the & character, which is used to concatenate strings. The echo. is used to insert a new line.

  2. Using the echo. command: You can use the following syntax to create a new line:

    set myString=myValue

    The echo. command will insert a new line.

  3. Using the set /p command: You can use the following syntax to create a new line:

    set /p myString=myValue

    The set /p command will prompt the user to enter a value, and the new line will be inserted automatically.

  4. Using the echo. command with a variable: You can use the following syntax to create a new line:

    set myString=myValue

    The %myString% is used to expand the variable, and the ^& is used to escape the & character.

Here is an example of how you can use these methods:

@echo off
set myString=myValue

This will output:


And then pause the batch file.

You can also use the set /a command to create a new line:

@echo off
set /a myString=myValue

This will also output:


And then pause the batch file.

Note that the set /a command is used to perform arithmetic operations, but it can also be used to create a new line.