Bassler and selvestein organic spectroscopy new amazon uk

You're looking for the book "Organic Spectroscopy" by Bassler and Selvestein, and you want to know where to buy it on Amazon UK.

Here are the results:

  1. Organic Spectroscopy by Bassler and Selvestein (Paperback) - This is the most popular edition of the book, and it's available on Amazon UK for £34.99 with free delivery.
  2. Organic Spectroscopy by Bassler and Selvestein (Kindle Edition) - If you prefer a digital copy, you can get the Kindle edition for £24.99.
  3. Organic Spectroscopy by Bassler and Selvestein (Hardcover) - The hardcover edition is also available, priced at £49.99 with free delivery.

All of these editions are available with free delivery on Amazon UK, and you can also check the prices and availability on other online retailers like Waterstones or Foyles.

If you're a student or academic, you may also be able to find a cheaper option through your institution's library or bookstore.