Basic things for new home

Congratulations on your new home! Here are some basic things to consider and take care of:

  1. Utilities:
    • Electricity: Set up an account with the local electricity provider.
    • Water: Check the water meter and report any issues to the utility company.
    • Gas: If you have a gas stove or heating system, ensure it's turned on and functioning properly.
    • Internet and TV: Set up accounts with your preferred providers.
  2. Safety and Security:
    • Check the smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors. Replace batteries or install new ones if necessary.
    • Test the fire extinguisher and ensure it's easily accessible.
    • Install deadbolt locks on all doors and consider a home security system.
  3. Plumbing:
    • Check for leaks under sinks, toilets, and around appliances.
    • Run the water to clear any sediment from the pipes.
    • Check the water pressure and adjust if necessary.
  4. Appliances:
    • Check the condition and functionality of all appliances, including the refrigerator, stove, dishwasher, and washing machine.
    • Clean or replace filters in appliances like the air conditioner, furnace, and water filter.
  5. Lighting:
    • Check the condition and functionality of all light fixtures, including ceiling fans and lamps.
    • Replace any burnt-out bulbs.
  6. Pest Control:
    • Check for signs of pests like termites, ants, or rodents.
    • Seal any holes or gaps in the walls, floors, or roof to prevent pest entry.
  7. Yard and Exterior:
    • Check the condition of the roof, gutters, and downspouts.
    • Trim trees and shrubs to maintain a safe and tidy exterior.
    • Check the condition of the driveway, sidewalk, and patio.
  8. Insulation and Weatherstripping:
    • Check the attic, walls, and floors for adequate insulation.
    • Check the condition of weatherstripping around doors and windows.
  9. Garage and Storage:
    • Organize the garage and storage areas to maximize space.
    • Check the condition of the garage door and opener.
  10. Home Maintenance Schedule:
    • Create a schedule to maintain your home, including tasks like:
      • Changing air filters
      • Cleaning gutters
      • Inspecting appliances
      • Scheduling annual HVAC maintenance

Remember to also take care of any specific tasks related to your new home, such as:

Enjoy your new home!