Basic part of the news story

Here are some basic parts of a news story:

  1. Headline: A brief summary of the story, usually in a few words or phrases.
  2. Lead (or Lede): The opening sentence or paragraph of the story, which grabs the reader's attention and provides a brief overview of the story.
  3. Dateline: The location and date of the story, usually included at the top of the article.
  4. Summary (or Synopsis): A brief summary of the story, often included in the first paragraph or two.
  5. Body: The main content of the story, which provides more details and information about the topic.
  6. Quotes: Direct quotes from people involved in the story, which add context and insight.
  7. Statistics (or Facts): Relevant numbers, figures, or data that support the story.
  8. Analysis (or Commentary): The journalist's interpretation of the story, which provides context and insight.
  9. Conclusion: A summary of the main points and a final thought or comment.
  10. Additional information (or Boilerplate): Additional details or background information that provide context and depth to the story.

These are the basic parts of a news story, but the specific structure and content may vary depending on the type of story, the publication, and the journalist's style.