Basic needs for a new house

Congratulations on your new home! Here's a list of basic needs to consider for your new house:

  1. Water Supply:
    • Functional plumbing system
    • Working faucets, toilets, and showerheads
    • Adequate water pressure
  2. Electricity:
    • Functional electrical outlets and switches
    • Working lighting fixtures
    • Adequate electrical capacity for appliances and devices
  3. Heating and Cooling:
    • Functional heating system (e.g., furnace, boiler, or heat pump)
    • Functional cooling system (e.g., air conditioning, evaporative cooler)
    • Proper insulation and ventilation
  4. Roof and Exterior:
    • A sturdy, watertight roof
    • Functional gutters and downspouts
    • Proper exterior doors and windows
    • Adequate exterior lighting
  5. Insulation and Ventilation:
    • Proper insulation in walls, floors, and ceilings
    • Functional attic ventilation
    • Proper crawl space or basement ventilation
  6. Kitchen Essentials:
    • Functional kitchen sink and faucet
    • Working stove, oven, and range
    • Refrigerator and freezer
    • Dishwasher (if applicable)
  7. Bathroom Essentials:
    • Functional shower or bathtub
    • Working toilet
    • Sink and faucet
    • Mirror and lighting
  8. Safety Features:
    • Working smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors
    • Functional fire extinguisher
    • Adequate emergency lighting
  9. Communication:
    • Functional phone and internet connections
    • TV and cable connections (if applicable)
  10. Storage and Organization:
    • Functional closets and storage spaces
    • Adequate shelving and cabinet space
    • Working garage door and storage (if applicable)
  11. Pest Control:
    • Functional pest control measures (e.g., termite treatment, rodent control)
  12. Landscaping and Yard:
    • Functional lawn irrigation system
    • Adequate yard lighting
    • Proper drainage and grading

Remember to prioritize these basic needs based on your specific situation and the condition of your new home. It's also a good idea to consult with professionals, such as contractors or home inspectors, to ensure your new home is safe and functional.