Bartomeu news

You're looking for news about Joan Laporta's predecessor, Josep Maria Bartomeu, who was the president of FC Barcelona from 2014 to 2020. Here are some recent news articles and updates about him:

Recent News:

  1. Bartomeu's departure from Barcelona: In October 2020, Bartomeu resigned as president of Barcelona, citing the club's financial crisis and the need for a new direction. He was succeeded by Joan Laporta.
  2. Investigation into Bartomeu's presidency: In November 2020, the Spanish authorities launched an investigation into Bartomeu's presidency, focusing on allegations of mismanagement and corruption. The investigation is ongoing.
  3. Bartomeu's response to allegations: In December 2020, Bartomeu denied any wrongdoing and accused the Spanish authorities of political persecution. He claimed that the investigation was motivated by a desire to discredit him and his presidency.

Other Updates:

  1. Bartomeu's legacy at Barcelona: Bartomeu's presidency was marked by controversy, including a failed attempt to register Lionel Messi's contract, a dispute with the club's board members, and allegations of corruption. Despite this, he oversaw some successful periods for the team, including a La Liga title and a Copa del Rey victory.
  2. Bartomeu's future plans: After leaving Barcelona, Bartomeu has been linked to various roles in football, including a potential return to the club as a director or advisor. However, no official announcements have been made.

Please note that the news articles and updates may be subject to change as new information becomes available.