Bareta news us to intervene in southern cameroons

I think there may be a small mistake in your request. "Bareta" is not a well-known organization or entity that typically issues news or requests for intervention. Additionally, "Southern Cameroons" is a region in Cameroon that has been experiencing conflict and unrest in recent years.

If you meant to ask about the situation in Southern Cameroons, I can provide some general information. The Anglophone regions of Cameroon, including Southern Cameroons, have been experiencing a crisis since 2016, with protests and violence erupting over issues such as language, culture, and political representation.

The crisis has led to the displacement of thousands of people, human rights abuses, and economic instability. The Cameroonian government has been accused of using force to quell the protests, while separatist groups have been fighting for independence.

There have been calls for international intervention and mediation to resolve the crisis, but so far, no international organization or country has intervened militarily. The African Union, the United Nations, and other international organizations have been involved in efforts to broker a peaceful resolution to the conflict.

If you have any specific questions or concerns about the situation in Southern Cameroons, I'll do my best to provide more information.