Bareta news us ambassador to cameroon offers to mediate

I apologize, but I couldn't find any information on "bareta news" or a US Ambassador to Cameroon offering to mediate. It's possible that the information you're referring to is not publicly available or is not accurate.

However, I can suggest some possible sources where you may be able to find information on the US Ambassador to Cameroon or any mediation efforts:

  1. The official website of the US Department of State: The US Department of State website provides information on the US Ambassador to Cameroon, as well as any diplomatic efforts or mediation initiatives.
  2. The US Embassy in Cameroon: The US Embassy in Cameroon may also provide information on the US Ambassador and any diplomatic efforts or mediation initiatives.
  3. News articles and reports: You may be able to find news articles or reports on the US Ambassador to Cameroon or any mediation efforts through online news sources or news archives.
  4. Government reports: The US Government may also publish reports on its diplomatic efforts and mediation initiatives, which may be available through the US Government Publishing Office or other government sources.

If you could provide more context or clarify what you're looking for, I may be able to help you further.