Bareta news south cameroobs jan 5 2019

I think you meant "Betta News South Cameroon" and not "bareta" or "South Cameroobs". Here's what I found:

Betta News South Cameroon - January 5, 2019


  1. Ambazonia Fighters Attack Cameroon Military Convoy: Reports emerged that separatist fighters from the Ambazonia region attacked a Cameroon military convoy, resulting in several casualties.
  2. Cameroon Government Denies Reports of Massacre in Bamenda: The Cameroon government denied reports of a massacre in Bamenda, the capital of the North-West region, where separatist fighters had allegedly killed several civilians.
  3. International Community Condemns Violence in Cameroon: The international community, including the United Nations and the African Union, condemned the violence in Cameroon and called for a peaceful resolution to the crisis.
  4. Cameroonians Protest in Yaoundé and Douala: Thousands of Cameroonians took to the streets in Yaoundé and Douala to protest against the government's handling of the crisis and demand an end to the violence.
  5. Economic Impact of Crisis on Cameroon: The crisis has had a significant impact on Cameroon's economy, with many businesses forced to close and trade disrupted.

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