Barcelona news protest

Here are some recent news articles about protests in Barcelona:

Recent Protests in Barcelona:

  1. Catalan Independence Protests: On September 20, 2020, thousands of people took to the streets of Barcelona to protest against the Spanish government's handling of the COVID-19 pandemic and to demand greater autonomy for Catalonia. The protests were marked by clashes between police and protesters, with several people injured. (Source: BBC News)
  2. Protest against Police Violence: On October 12, 2020, hundreds of people gathered in Barcelona to protest against police violence and brutality, following a series of incidents in which police officers were accused of using excessive force against protesters and civilians. (Source: El País)
  3. Protest against Evictions: On November 14, 2020, hundreds of people protested in Barcelona against the eviction of a family from their home in the city's El Raval neighborhood. The protest was organized by local residents and social activists who are opposed to the city's gentrification policies. (Source: La Vanguardia)
  4. Protest against Climate Change: On December 6, 2020, thousands of people took part in a climate change protest in Barcelona, calling for urgent action to address the climate crisis. The protest was organized by environmental groups and was part of a global day of action on climate change. (Source: The Guardian)

Ongoing Protests in Barcelona:

  1. Catalan Independence Movement: The Catalan independence movement has been ongoing since 2017, with protests and demonstrations taking place regularly in Barcelona and other cities in Catalonia. The movement is demanding greater autonomy for Catalonia and the right to hold a referendum on independence. (Source: Al Jazeera)
  2. Anti-Government Protests: There have been ongoing protests in Barcelona against the Spanish government, which is seen as being hostile to Catalan autonomy and the independence movement. The protests are often marked by clashes between police and protesters. (Source: El País)

Upcoming Protests in Barcelona:

  1. Global Day of Action on Climate Change: On April 22, 2023, Barcelona is expected to host a global day of action on climate change, with protests and demonstrations taking place across the city. (Source: The Guardian)
  2. Catalan National Day: On September 11, 2023, Barcelona is expected to host a large protest in support of Catalan independence, which is celebrated as Catalan National Day. (Source: BBC News)

Please note that the information provided is subject to change and may not be up-to-date. It's always a good idea to check with local authorities or news sources for the most recent information on protests and demonstrations in Barcelona.