Barbados nation news live streaming

Here are a few options for live streaming Barbados Nation News:

  1. Barbados Nation News Website: The official website of Barbados Nation News ( often features live streaming of news updates, including breaking news, sports, and entertainment. You can visit their website and look for the "Live" or "Streaming" section.
  2. Barbados Nation News YouTube Channel: Barbados Nation News has an official YouTube channel ( where they upload live streams of their news programs, including the morning and evening news. You can subscribe to their channel and turn on notifications to stay updated.
  3. Cable & Wireless Barbados: Cable & Wireless Barbados, a local telecommunications company, offers live streaming of Barbados Nation News on their website ( You can access the live stream by clicking on the "News" tab.
  4. Barbados Today: Barbados Today, another local news organization, also offers live streaming of news updates on their website ( You can visit their website and look for the "Live" or "Streaming" section.
  5. Facebook Live: Barbados Nation News and other local news organizations often use Facebook Live to broadcast live news updates. You can follow their Facebook pages and turn on notifications to stay updated.

Please note that the availability and quality of live streaming may vary depending on your internet connection and the streaming platform.