Bank w new song

You're looking for a new song by Bank!

Bank is a relatively new artist, and I'm happy to help you discover some of their latest tracks. Here are a few suggestions:

  1. "Glimpse" - This is one of Bank's most popular songs, and it's easy to see why. The song has a catchy, upbeat melody and lyrics that explore themes of hope and perseverance.
  2. "Lost in the Moment" - This song has a more laid-back, atmospheric vibe, with Bank's soothing vocals and a minimalist instrumental backing.
  3. "Fading Fast" - This song has a darker, more introspective tone, with Bank's emotive vocals and a haunting instrumental arrangement.
  4. "Ghost" - This song has a more experimental, electronic-infused sound, with Bank's vocals soaring over a driving beat and atmospheric synths.
  5. "Hollow" - This song has a more introspective, acoustic-driven sound, with Bank's heartfelt vocals and a simple, yet effective, instrumental backing.

I hope you enjoy these songs!