Bank of new zealand account number codes

In New Zealand, bank account numbers are typically 15 digits long and are made up of several components. Here's a breakdown of the different parts of a New Zealand bank account number:

  1. Bank Code: The first 3 digits of the account number represent the bank code. This code identifies the bank and is used to route transactions.
  2. Branch Code: The next 2 digits represent the branch code, which identifies the specific branch of the bank where the account is held.
  3. Account Number: The remaining 10 digits are the actual account number, which is unique to the individual account.

Here are the Bank Code and Branch Code for the Bank of New Zealand (BNZ):

Here's an example of a full Bank of New Zealand account number:

060 123 4567 8901

In this example:

Please note that account numbers may vary depending on the specific branch and type of account. If you're unsure about your account number or need to find the correct code for a specific branch, you can contact the Bank of New Zealand directly.