Bank of korea new york

The Bank of Korea (BOK) has a representative office in New York City, which serves as a liaison between the BOK and the international financial community. Here are some key facts about the Bank of Korea's New York office:

  1. Location: The Bank of Korea's New York office is located at 150 East 42nd Street, New York, NY 10017.
  2. Purpose: The office was established in 1974 to promote international cooperation and communication between the BOK and other central banks, international organizations, and financial institutions.
  3. Functions: The office performs various functions, including:
    • Promoting international cooperation and communication between the BOK and other central banks, international organizations, and financial institutions.
    • Providing information and analysis on international economic and financial trends.
    • Facilitating the exchange of ideas and expertise between the BOK and other central banks and financial institutions.
    • Supporting the BOK's international activities, such as participating in international financial organizations and attending international conferences.
  4. Staff: The office is staffed by a team of economists, financial analysts, and other professionals who are experts in international finance and economics.
  5. Services: The office provides a range of services, including:
    • Economic research and analysis on Korea and the global economy.
    • Financial market analysis and commentary.
    • Information on Korean financial markets and institutions.
    • Assistance with international transactions and trade finance.
  6. Contact: The Bank of Korea's New York office can be contacted by phone at (212) 371-4400 or by email at [email protected].

Overall, the Bank of Korea's New York office plays an important role in promoting international cooperation and communication between the BOK and other central banks, financial institutions, and international organizations.