Bank of ghana news today

Here are some recent news updates from the Bank of Ghana:

Latest News

  1. Inflation Rate Drops to 7.5%: The Bank of Ghana has announced that the inflation rate has dropped to 7.5% in June 2022, from 8.5% in May 2022. This is the lowest inflation rate in 18 months. (Source: Bank of Ghana)
  2. Monetary Policy Committee Meeting: The Bank of Ghana's Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) has held its 93rd meeting to review the country's economic situation and set monetary policy. The committee has decided to maintain the policy rate at 14.5%. (Source: Bank of Ghana)
  3. Ghana's Economy Grows by 3.4%: The Bank of Ghana has announced that Ghana's economy has grown by 3.4% in the first quarter of 2022, driven by a strong performance in the services sector. (Source: Bank of Ghana)
  4. Banking Sector Stability: The Bank of Ghana has announced that the banking sector remains stable, with a capital adequacy ratio of 19.3% and a liquidity ratio of 34.4%. (Source: Bank of Ghana)
  5. Digital Payments: The Bank of Ghana has launched a digital payments system to promote electronic transactions in the country. The system allows for the transfer of funds between accounts and the payment of bills. (Source: Bank of Ghana)

Recent Press Releases

  1. Bank of Ghana Launches Digital Payments System: The Bank of Ghana has launched a digital payments system to promote electronic transactions in the country. (Source: Bank of Ghana)
  2. Ghana's Economy Grows by 3.4% in Q1 2022: The Bank of Ghana has announced that Ghana's economy has grown by 3.4% in the first quarter of 2022. (Source: Bank of Ghana)
  3. Banking Sector Remains Stable: The Bank of Ghana has announced that the banking sector remains stable, with a capital adequacy ratio of 19.3% and a liquidity ratio of 34.4%. (Source: Bank of Ghana)
  4. Inflation Rate Drops to 7.5%: The Bank of Ghana has announced that the inflation rate has dropped to 7.5% in June 2022, from 8.5% in May 2022. (Source: Bank of Ghana)
  5. Monetary Policy Committee Maintains Policy Rate: The Bank of Ghana's Monetary Policy Committee has decided to maintain the policy rate at 14.5%. (Source: Bank of Ghana)

Recent Speeches

  1. Speech by the Governor of the Bank of Ghana: The Governor of the Bank of Ghana, Dr. Ernest Addison, has delivered a speech on the state of the economy and the bank's monetary policy. (Source: Bank of Ghana)
  2. Speech by the Deputy Governor of the Bank of Ghana: The Deputy Governor of the Bank of Ghana, Dr. Maxwell Opoku-Afari, has delivered a speech on the bank's efforts to promote financial inclusion. (Source: Bank of Ghana)

I hope this information is helpful.