Bank of america new logo

Bank of America has undergone several logo changes throughout its history. Here are some of the notable ones:

  1. 1929-1993: The original Bank of America logo featured a shield with the bank's name written in bold, sans-serif font.
  2. 1993-2008: In 1993, Bank of America introduced a new logo that featured a stylized "B" made up of two curved lines, symbolizing the connection between the bank and its customers.
  3. 2008-2018: In 2008, Bank of America introduced a new logo that featured a more modern and sleek design. The logo retained the "B" shape but with a more angular and geometric design.
  4. 2018-present: In 2018, Bank of America introduced its current logo, which features a stylized "B" made up of two interconnected circles. The logo is designed to represent the bank's commitment to connecting people and communities.

Here's a visual representation of the logo changes:

The current logo is designed to be more dynamic and flexible, allowing it to be used across various platforms and mediums. The interconnected circles also represent the bank's focus on building relationships and connecting people to opportunities.