Bangkok news

Here are some recent news stories from Bangkok, Thailand:


  1. Bangkok's Skytrain to be extended to Suvarnabhumi Airport: The Bangkok Mass Transit Authority (BMTA) has announced plans to extend the city's Skytrain system to Suvarnabhumi Airport, which is expected to reduce travel time to the airport by up to 30 minutes. (Source: The Nation)
  2. Bangkok's water crisis worsens: The Bangkok Metropolitan Administration (BMA) has warned that the city's water crisis is worsening, with some areas experiencing water shortages of up to 50%. (Source: Bangkok Post)
  3. Thailand's economy grows 2.3% in Q2: Thailand's economy grew 2.3% in the second quarter of 2022, driven by a recovery in the tourism sector and increased government spending. (Source: Reuters)
  4. Bangkok's street food vendors face eviction: The BMA has announced plans to evict street food vendors from popular areas of the city, citing concerns over food safety and hygiene. (Source: Coconuts Bangkok)
  5. Thailand's royal family celebrates King Rama X's birthday: The Thai royal family celebrated King Rama X's 70th birthday on July 28, with a series of ceremonies and events across the country. (Source: The Bangkok Times)

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