Balotelli news nizza

You're looking for news about Mario Balotelli and his current team, Nizza (also known as OGC Nice)!

Here are some recent updates:

Recent News:

  1. Balotelli scores again: Mario Balotelli scored his 7th goal of the season in Nizza's 2-1 win over Lyon on January 18th.
  2. Contract extension: Nizza has extended Balotelli's contract until 2022, with an option to extend for another year.
  3. Injury concerns: Balotelli has been dealing with a minor injury, but is expected to return to training soon.

Recent Stats:

  1. Goals: 7 goals in 17 appearances this season
  2. Assists: 2 assists in 17 appearances this season
  3. Shots on target: 34 shots on target in 17 appearances this season

Recent Quotes:

  1. "Mario is a key player for us, and we're happy to have him on board for the next two years." - Nizza's President, Jean-Pierre Rivère
  2. "I'm feeling good, I'm working hard, and I'm happy to be playing for Nizza." - Mario Balotelli

Recent Videos:

  1. Balotelli's goal against Lyon: Watch Balotelli's impressive goal against Lyon on January 18th.
  2. Balotelli's post-match interview: Watch Balotelli's post-match interview after Nizza's win over Lyon.

Stay tuned for more updates on Mario Balotelli and Nizza!