Balotelli hot water speeding #comments

It seems like you're referring to a popular meme or joke about Mario Balotelli, an Italian professional footballer. The phrase "hot water" is often used to describe a situation where someone is in trouble or facing criticism.

The joke is likely that Balotelli was speeding and got caught, and now he's in "hot water" with the authorities. The hashtag #comments is probably referring to the comments section of a social media post or article about the incident.

Here's an example of how the joke might play out:

[Image of a speeding ticket or a news article about Balotelli's speeding incident]

Caption: "Balotelli in hot water after speeding #comments"

[Comments section]

Of course, this is just an example, and the actual comments might vary. But the joke is likely to be lighthearted and playful, poking fun at Balotelli's reputation for being a bit of a troublemaker.