Ballet dance moves new typ

Here are some common ballet dance moves, categorized by type:

Basic Positions

  1. First Position: Heels together, toes turned out.
  2. Second Position: Heels apart, toes turned out.
  3. Third Position: One foot in front of the other, heels together, toes turned out.
  4. Fourth Position: One foot in front of the other, heels apart, toes turned out.

Pliés (Bends)

  1. Plié: A bend of the knee, with the weight evenly distributed between both feet.
  2. Plié en dehors: A bend of the knee, with the weight shifted onto one foot.
  3. Plié en dedans: A bend of the knee, with the weight shifted onto the other foot.

Tendus (Stretches)

  1. Tendu: A stretch of the foot, with the toe pointed and the heel lifted.
  2. Tendu en dehors: A stretch of the foot, with the toe pointed and the heel lifted, and the weight shifted onto one foot.
  3. Tendu en dedans: A stretch of the foot, with the toe pointed and the heel lifted, and the weight shifted onto the other foot.

Dégagés (Brushes)

  1. Dégagé: A brush of the foot, with the toe pointed and the heel lifted, and the weight shifted onto one foot.
  2. Dégagé en dehors: A brush of the foot, with the toe pointed and the heel lifted, and the weight shifted onto one foot.
  3. Dégagé en dedans: A brush of the foot, with the toe pointed and the heel lifted, and the weight shifted onto the other foot.

Ronds de Jambe (Leg Circles)

  1. Rond de jambe en dehors: A circle of the leg, with the toe pointed and the heel lifted, and the weight shifted onto one foot.
  2. Rond de jambe en dedans: A circle of the leg, with the toe pointed and the heel lifted, and the weight shifted onto the other foot.

Fouettés (Whips)

  1. Fouetté: A whip-like movement of the leg, with the toe pointed and the heel lifted.
  2. Fouetté en dehors: A whip-like movement of the leg, with the toe pointed and the heel lifted, and the weight shifted onto one foot.
  3. Fouetté en dedans: A whip-like movement of the leg, with the toe pointed and the heel lifted, and the weight shifted onto the other foot.


  1. Sauté: A jump, with the feet together and the body in a straight line.
  2. Assemblé: A jump, with the feet together and the body in a straight line, and the weight shifted onto one foot.
  3. Jeté: A jump, with the feet apart and the body in a straight line.


  1. Pirouette: A turn on one foot, with the other foot extended behind.
  2. Tour en l'air: A turn in the air, with the feet together and the body in a straight line.
  3. Tour en dehors: A turn on one foot, with the other foot extended behind, and the weight shifted onto one foot.
  4. Tour en dedans: A turn on one foot, with the other foot extended behind, and the weight shifted onto the other foot.

These are just a few examples of the many ballet dance moves that exist. Remember to always practice proper technique and alignment to avoid injury.