Balena push new docker compose

A popular question!

balena push is a command-line tool provided by Balena, a platform for building, deploying, and managing IoT and edge applications. It allows you to push your Docker Compose file to a Balena Cloud or Balena Device instance.

Here's the basic syntax:

balena push [options] <compose-file>


Here's an example:

balena push -c docker-compose.yml

This command will push the services defined in docker-compose.yml to your Balena Cloud instance.

If you want to push a specific service, you can use the -s option:

balena push -s my-service docker-compose.yml

This command will push only the my-service service from docker-compose.yml to your Balena Cloud instance.

Make sure you have the balena command-line tool installed and configured on your system. You can find more information on the balena push command and its options in the Balena documentation.