Balakot attack new york times

The Balakot attack refers to a military operation conducted by the Indian Air Force (IAF) on February 26, 2019, in which Indian fighter jets crossed the Line of Control (LoC) and attacked a terrorist training camp in Balakot, Pakistan.

The New York Times reported on the attack in several articles, including:

  1. "India Launches Airstrike in Pakistan, Claiming to Hit Militant Camp" (February 26, 2019)

This article reported on the IAF's airstrike and claimed that India had targeted a terrorist training camp in Balakot, killing up to 300 militants. The article noted that Pakistan had denied the attack and claimed that Indian jets had been intercepted and forced to return.

  1. "Pakistan Says It Shot Down Indian Jet, Captured Pilot" (February 27, 2019)

This article reported on the aftermath of the airstrike, including the claim by Pakistan that it had shot down an Indian jet and captured the pilot, Wing Commander Abhinandan Varthaman. The article noted that India had denied the claim and said that the pilot was missing in action.

  1. "India and Pakistan Trade Blame Over Airstrike and Captured Pilot" (February 28, 2019)

This article reported on the escalating tensions between India and Pakistan in the aftermath of the airstrike and the capture of the Indian pilot. The article noted that both countries had traded blame and accusations, with India claiming that Pakistan had been harboring terrorists and Pakistan claiming that India had violated its airspace.

  1. "Pakistan Frees Indian Pilot, Tensions Ease Slightly" (March 1, 2019)

This article reported on the release of the Indian pilot, Wing Commander Abhinandan Varthaman, by Pakistan and the subsequent easing of tensions between the two countries. The article noted that the release was seen as a gesture of goodwill and a step towards de-escalation.

  1. "India and Pakistan Agree to Cease-Fire, But Tensions Remain" (March 3, 2019)

This article reported on the agreement between India and Pakistan to cease hostilities and return to a state of calm. The article noted that while the agreement was seen as a positive step, tensions between the two countries remained high and the situation remained volatile.

These articles provide a comprehensive overview of the Balakot attack and its aftermath, including the military operation, the capture of the Indian pilot, and the subsequent tensions and diplomatic efforts between India and Pakistan.