Bala usman npa committed to attracting investments to eastern ports

Bala Usman, the Managing Director of the Nigerian Ports Authority (NPA), has committed to attracting investments to the eastern ports of Nigeria. This is a significant move aimed at boosting economic growth and development in the region.

In a statement, Usman emphasized the importance of the eastern ports in the country's economy, stating that they have the potential to drive growth and create jobs. He noted that the NPA is working to improve the infrastructure and facilities at the ports to make them more attractive to investors.

Some of the initiatives being implemented by the NPA to attract investments to the eastern ports include:

  1. Port rehabilitation: The NPA is rehabilitating the ports to improve their capacity and efficiency. This includes the construction of new terminals, dredging of channels, and the installation of modern equipment.
  2. Investment in infrastructure: The NPA is investing in the development of infrastructure such as roads, rail, and power supply to support the growth of the ports.
  3. Promotion of trade: The NPA is promoting trade and commerce in the region by providing incentives and support to businesses that operate in the ports.
  4. Development of free trade zones: The NPA is developing free trade zones in the region to attract foreign investment and promote economic growth.

By attracting investments to the eastern ports, the NPA aims to:

  1. Increase economic growth: By improving the infrastructure and facilities at the ports, the NPA aims to increase economic growth in the region.
  2. Create jobs: The NPA aims to create jobs for the local population by attracting businesses that operate in the ports.
  3. Improve trade: The NPA aims to improve trade and commerce in the region by providing a conducive environment for businesses to operate.
  4. Reduce poverty: By creating jobs and improving economic growth, the NPA aims to reduce poverty in the region.

Overall, the commitment of Bala Usman to attracting investments to the eastern ports is a positive step towards promoting economic growth and development in the region.