Bakare mocks 2023 presidential aspirants

It seems like you're referring to a recent news article or social media post where Bakare, a Nigerian cleric and politician, made some comments about the 2023 presidential aspirants in Nigeria.

From what I gathered, Bakare, who is the Pastor of the Citadel Global Community Church, made some scathing remarks about the aspirants, describing them as "unqualified" and "unprepared" to lead the country. He also expressed his disappointment with the current state of Nigerian politics, saying that the country is in a "state of chaos" and that the aspirants are not offering any meaningful solutions to the country's problems.

It's worth noting that Bakare has been a vocal critic of Nigerian politics and has not been shy about speaking his mind on various issues. His comments about the 2023 presidential aspirants have sparked a lot of debate and controversy, with some people agreeing with his assessment and others defending the aspirants.

What are your thoughts on this issue? Do you think Bakare's comments are justified, or do you think he is being too harsh on the aspirants?