Bain co nigeria in the news

Bain & Company, a global management consulting firm, has been involved in various projects and initiatives in Nigeria, which have been featured in the news. Here are a few examples:

  1. Bain & Company's report on Nigeria's economy: In 2020, Bain & Company released a report titled "Nigeria's Economic Outlook: A Path to Sustainable Growth" which highlighted the country's economic challenges and opportunities for growth. The report was widely covered in Nigerian media outlets, including Vanguard, ThisDay, and The Punch.
  2. Bain & Company's work with Nigerian banks: In 2019, Bain & Company was hired by several Nigerian banks to help them improve their operational efficiency and customer experience. The project was featured in an article by BusinessDay, a leading Nigerian business publication.
  3. Bain & Company's support for Nigerian startups: In 2018, Bain & Company launched a program to support Nigerian startups, providing them with mentorship, training, and access to its global network. The program was featured in an article by Techpoint, a leading Nigerian tech publication.
  4. Bain & Company's report on Nigeria's healthcare sector: In 2017, Bain & Company released a report titled "Nigeria's Healthcare Sector: Opportunities for Growth and Development" which highlighted the challenges facing the sector and opportunities for growth. The report was featured in an article by The Guardian, a leading Nigerian newspaper.
  5. Bain & Company's work with Nigerian government agencies: In 2016, Bain & Company was hired by the Nigerian government to help improve the efficiency of its public sector agencies. The project was featured in an article by Leadership, a leading Nigerian newspaper.

Some of the news articles that feature Bain & Company's work in Nigeria include:

Please note that these articles may not be available online due to subscription requirements or other restrictions.