Backup and restore mikrotik setting to a new one

A common task!

Backing up and restoring Mikrotik settings can be a bit tricky, but I'll guide you through the process. Please note that this process assumes you have a basic understanding of Mikrotik routers and their configuration.

Backup Mikrotik settings:

  1. Log in to your Mikrotik router using Winbox or WebFig.
  2. Go to File > Export > Backup.
  3. Choose the backup type: Full configuration or Selected items (depending on your needs).
  4. Select the backup location: Local file or Remote FTP/SFTP.
  5. Choose a backup file name and location.
  6. Click Export to start the backup process.

Restore Mikrotik settings:

  1. Log in to your new Mikrotik router using Winbox or WebFig.
  2. Go to File > Import > Backup.
  3. Select the backup file you created earlier.
  4. Choose the import type: Full configuration or Selected items (depending on your needs).
  5. Click Import to start the restore process.

Additional tips:


By following these steps, you should be able to successfully backup and restore your Mikrotik settings to a new router.