Background iamge for news

A background image for a news article! Here are some popular options:

1. Cityscapes:

Some popular free resources for background images:

  1. Unsplash: A vast collection of high-resolution photos, including cityscapes, nature, and architecture.
  2. Pexels: A large library of high-quality photos, including abstract and historical images.
  3. Pixabay: A free stock photo site with a wide range of images, including cityscapes, nature, and architecture.
  4. Freepik: A popular resource for free vectors, photos, and illustrations, including abstract and historical designs.
  5. NASA Image and Video Library: A vast collection of high-resolution images and videos from NASA's archives, including space-related and historical content.

Remember to always check the licensing terms and conditions for each image to ensure you're allowed to use it for commercial purposes.