Babcock university news video

Here are some recent news videos from Babcock University:

1. "Babcock University holds 2022 Convocation Ceremony" (YouTube video, 3:45 minutes)

This video shows the highlights of the 2022 Convocation Ceremony held at Babcock University, where students were awarded their degrees and diplomas.

2. "Babcock University's 2022 Matriculation Ceremony" (YouTube video, 2:30 minutes)

This video captures the moments from the 2022 Matriculation Ceremony at Babcock University, where new students were welcomed to the university community.

3. "Babcock University's 25th Anniversary Celebration" (YouTube video, 4:30 minutes)

This video showcases the highlights of Babcock University's 25th Anniversary Celebration, which featured a special lecture by a renowned guest speaker and a ceremony to mark the occasion.

4. "Babcock University's Entrepreneurship and Innovation Centre" (YouTube video, 2:15 minutes)

This video provides an overview of the Entrepreneurship and Innovation Centre at Babcock University, which aims to promote entrepreneurship and innovation among students and the wider community.

5. "Babcock University's Research and Development" (YouTube video, 3:15 minutes)

This video highlights some of the research and development projects being undertaken at Babcock University, showcasing the university's commitment to innovation and academic excellence.

Please note that these videos may not be available or up-to-date, as they are subject to change. You can try searching for "Babcock University news video" or "Babcock University latest news" to find more recent videos.