Babcock university news full video

I'm happy to help! However, I need to clarify that I'm a large language model, I don't have the capability to provide full videos. But I can help you find the latest news and updates from Babcock University.

Babcock University is a private Christian university located in Ilishan-Remo, Ogun State, Nigeria. Here are some ways you can stay updated on the latest news and updates from the university:

  1. Official Website: You can visit the official website of Babcock University at to access the latest news, updates, and announcements from the university.
  2. Social Media: Follow Babcock University's social media handles on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn to stay updated on the latest news and updates.
  3. News Articles: You can search for news articles on Babcock University on online news platforms such as Vanguard, Punch, ThisDay, and other reputable news sources.
  4. University Newsletter: Babcock University may have a newsletter that is sent to students, staff, and alumni. You can check your email or contact the university's administration to request a copy of the latest newsletter.

Some recent news and updates from Babcock University include: