Babcock university new resumption date

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Babcock University is a private Christian university located in Ilisan-Remo, Ogun State, Nigeria. As a private institution, Babcock University's academic calendar and resumption dates may vary from year to year.

To get the most up-to-date information on Babcock University's new resumption date, I recommend checking the following sources:

  1. Babcock University's official website: You can visit the university's website ( and look for the "Academics" or "Calendar" section, where you may find the latest information on resumption dates.
  2. Babcock University's social media pages: You can follow Babcock University's official social media pages (e.g., Facebook, Twitter, Instagram) to stay updated on any announcements or changes to the academic calendar.
  3. Babcock University's student portal: If you're a student, you can log in to the university's student portal to check for any updates on resumption dates.
  4. Contact the university's administration: You can reach out to the university's administration or student affairs department directly to ask about the new resumption date.

Please note that resumption dates may be subject to change, and it's always best to verify the information through official channels.

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