Babatunde fashola news

Here are some recent news articles and updates about Babatunde Fashola, a Nigerian politician and former Governor of Lagos State:

Recent News

  1. Fashola's Appointment as Minister of Works and Housing: In August 2019, President Muhammadu Buhari appointed Fashola as the Minister of Works and Housing, a position he has held since then. (Source: Vanguard News)
  2. Fashola's Response to Lagos State's Debt Crisis: In October 2020, Fashola, as the Minister of Works and Housing, responded to concerns about Lagos State's debt crisis, stating that the state's debt was not unusual and that it was necessary to invest in infrastructure. (Source: The Punch)
  3. Fashola's Support for the Lagos-Kano Railway Project: In November 2020, Fashola expressed support for the Lagos-Kano railway project, which aims to connect the two cities by rail. (Source: Leadership Newspaper)

Past News

  1. Fashola's Tenure as Governor of Lagos State: Fashola served as the Governor of Lagos State from 2007 to 2015. During his tenure, he implemented several infrastructure projects, including the construction of new roads, bridges, and public transportation systems. (Source: Wikipedia)
  2. Fashola's Controversy over Electricity Tariffs: In 2012, Fashola was involved in a controversy over electricity tariffs in Lagos State, with critics accusing him of increasing tariffs without providing adequate services. (Source: The Guardian)
  3. Fashola's Support for the Buhari Administration: In 2015, Fashola publicly endorsed President Muhammadu Buhari's presidential campaign, stating that Buhari was the best candidate to lead Nigeria. (Source: Premium Times)


  1. "The greatest challenge we face in Nigeria is not the lack of resources, but the lack of capacity to manage the resources we have." - Fashola (Source: The Punch)
  2. "Infrastructure development is not just about building roads and bridges, it's about building a nation." - Fashola (Source: Leadership Newspaper)

I hope this information is helpful!