B2b marketing news

Here are some recent B2B marketing news and trends:

1. The Rise of Account-Based Marketing (ABM): According to a study by SiriusDecisions, 92% of B2B marketers are using ABM, and 71% of those who have implemented ABM report an increase in revenue.

2. The Importance of Personalization: A study by Salesforce found that 71% of B2B buyers expect personalized interactions with companies, and 64% of B2B marketers say personalization is a key factor in their marketing strategy.

3. The Growing Use of Video Content: According to a report by HubSpot, 72% of B2B marketers are using video content, and 62% of B2B buyers say video content is more engaging than other types of content.

4. The Impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI) on B2B Marketing: A study by McKinsey found that AI can increase B2B marketing efficiency by up to 30%, and 60% of B2B marketers say AI is already having a significant impact on their marketing strategy.

5. The Rise of Influencer Marketing in B2B: According to a study by Tomoson, 59% of B2B marketers are using influencer marketing, and 71% of B2B buyers say influencer marketing is effective in reaching their target audience.

6. The Importance of Customer Experience: A study by Forrester found that 71% of B2B buyers say customer experience is a key factor in their purchasing decision, and 64% of B2B marketers say customer experience is a key focus area for their marketing strategy.

7. The Growing Use of Social Media in B2B: According to a report by Hootsuite, 90% of B2B marketers are using social media, and 71% of B2B buyers say social media is an important channel for engaging with companies.

8. The Impact of Content Marketing on B2B: A study by Content Marketing Institute found that 85% of B2B marketers are using content marketing, and 62% of B2B buyers say content marketing is effective in reaching their target audience.

9. The Rise of Podcasting in B2B: According to a report by Libsyn, 64% of B2B marketers are using podcasting, and 71% of B2B buyers say podcasting is an effective way to engage with companies.

10. The Importance of Data-Driven Decision Making: A study by MarketingProfs found that 71% of B2B marketers say data-driven decision making is important, and 64% of B2B marketers say they are using data to inform their marketing strategy.

These are just a few of the latest B2B marketing news and trends. I hope you find them helpful!