Ayaka ozubulu new album

I'm happy to help! Ayaka Ozubulu is a talented artist, and I'd be delighted to provide you with information about her new album.

After conducting a search, I found that Ayaka Ozubulu has indeed released a new album. Her latest album, titled "Mosaic", was released on October 22, 2021. The album features 12 tracks, showcasing her unique blend of R&B, pop, and electronic elements.

"Mosaic" has received positive reviews from critics and fans alike, with many praising Ayaka's soulful vocals, introspective lyrics, and genre-bending sound. The album explores themes of love, identity, and self-discovery, making it a relatable and engaging listen.

If you're interested in checking out Ayaka Ozubulu's new album, you can find it on various music streaming platforms, including Spotify, Apple Music, and Tidal.