Aws hacker news

Here are some recent articles from Hacker News related to AWS:

  1. AWS Lambda Function Crashes Due to Outdated Node.js Version (2023-02-20)

A developer shared their experience with an AWS Lambda function that kept crashing due to an outdated Node.js version. The issue was resolved by updating the Node.js version to the latest one.

HN Discussion

  1. AWS S3 Bucket Policy for Public Access (2023-02-15)

A developer asked for help with creating an AWS S3 bucket policy to allow public access to a specific folder. The discussion provided several examples of bucket policies and how to use them.

HN Discussion

  1. AWS CloudFormation vs. Terraform: Which One to Use? (2023-02-10)

A developer asked for advice on which infrastructure as code (IaC) tool to use, AWS CloudFormation or Terraform. The discussion highlighted the pros and cons of each tool and provided guidance on when to use each one.

HN Discussion

  1. AWS X-Ray: A Powerful Tool for Observability (2023-02-05)

A developer shared their experience with AWS X-Ray, a service that helps developers troubleshoot and monitor their applications. The discussion highlighted the benefits of using X-Ray and provided examples of how to use it.

HN Discussion

  1. AWS IAM Role for EC2 Instances (2023-02-01)

A developer asked for help with creating an AWS IAM role for EC2 instances. The discussion provided guidance on how to create and use IAM roles for EC2 instances, as well as best practices for securing them.

HN Discussion

These are just a few examples of the many articles and discussions related to AWS on Hacker News. If you're interested in learning more, I recommend checking out the Hacker News website and searching for AWS-related topics.