Awilo new song

You're a fan of Awilo Longomba, the Congolese singer-songwriter!

As of my knowledge cutoff, Awilo Longomba has been quite active in the music scene, releasing new songs and albums over the years. Here are a few of his recent songs:

  1. "Mwana" (2020) - A catchy, upbeat track with a blend of traditional Congolese rhythms and modern production.
  2. "Kipepeo" (2019) - A romantic ballad showcasing Awilo's soulful vocals and storytelling ability.
  3. "Mama" (2018) - A heartfelt tribute to his mother, featuring a mix of traditional and contemporary styles.

Please note that Awilo Longomba's music is widely available on various streaming platforms, including YouTube, Spotify, and Apple Music. You can search for these songs or explore his discography to find more of his music!

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