Avicii new album mp3 download

Avicii's new album, "Tim", was released on June 6, 2019, after his passing in 2018. The album is a posthumous release, featuring tracks that Avicii had been working on before his death.

Here are a few ways you can download the album in MP3 format:

  1. iTunes: You can purchase the album from iTunes and download it in MP3 format. Simply search for "Avicii - Tim" on the iTunes store and click the "Buy" button.
  2. Amazon Music: You can also purchase the album from Amazon Music and download it in MP3 format. Simply search for "Avicii - Tim" on Amazon Music and click the "Buy MP3" button.
  3. Google Play Music: You can purchase the album from Google Play Music and download it in MP3 format. Simply search for "Avicii - Tim" on Google Play Music and click the "Buy" button.
  4. Spotify: While you can't download the album directly from Spotify, you can stream it and download individual tracks as MP3 files using a third-party app like Spotify Downloader or Freemake Music Box.
  5. Torrent sites: You can also find the album on torrent sites like Pirate Bay or Kickass Torrents. However, please note that downloading music from these sites is illegal in many countries and can put your device at risk of malware.

Remember to always download music from reputable sources to ensure you're getting high-quality files and avoiding any potential legal issues.