Average temperature in new york in december

The average temperature in New York City in December is around 39°F (4°C). However, it's not uncommon for the temperature to fluctuate throughout the month, with highs ranging from the mid-40s to mid-50s Fahrenheit (7-13°C) and lows ranging from the mid-20s to mid-30s Fahrenheit (-4 to 1°C).

Here's a breakdown of the average temperature and precipitation in New York City in December:

It's worth noting that temperatures can vary significantly depending on the specific location within New York City. For example, areas closer to the ocean, such as Coney Island or the Rockaways, tend to be cooler than areas inland, such as Midtown Manhattan or the Upper East Side.

Overall, December is a great time to enjoy winter activities in New York City, such as ice skating, skiing, or visiting the Rockefeller Center Christmas tree. Just be sure to bundle up and stay warm!