Average temperature in new york in april in celsius
According to historical climate data, the average temperature in New York City (Central Park) in April is around 12°C (54°F).
Here's a breakdown of the average temperature in New York City in April:
- Average high temperature: 17°C (63°F)
- Average low temperature: 7°C (45°F)
- Average temperature: 12°C (54°F)
Keep in mind that these are just averages, and actual temperatures can vary from year to year. It's not uncommon for temperatures to fluctuate significantly during the month, with some days reaching the mid-20s (around 77°F) and others dipping into the mid-50s (around 13°C).
If you're planning a trip to New York City in April, it's a good idea to pack layers, as the temperature can be quite cool in the mornings and evenings, but warm up during the day.