Average salary for lecturers in new zealand unitec

According to various sources, including the New Zealand Government's Ministry of Education and the University of Technology (Unitec) itself, here are some approximate average salary ranges for lecturers at Unitec in New Zealand:

Lecturer (Level 1-2):

Lecturer (Level 3-4):

Senior Lecturer (Level 5-6):

Principal Lecturer/Associate Professor (Level 7-8):

Please note that these figures are approximate and may vary depending on factors such as:

  1. Department or faculty
  2. Discipline or field of expertise
  3. Level of teaching load
  4. Research output and reputation
  5. Location (e.g., Auckland, Wellington, or other cities)

It's also important to note that these figures are based on national averages and may not reflect the specific salary ranges for Unitec lecturers. I recommend checking the Unitec website or contacting the institution directly for more accurate and up-to-date information.