Avengers infinity wars new linked scene

Here's a potential new linked scene for Avengers: Infinity War:

Scene: "The Soul Stone's Secret"

Location: Vormir, a desolate and barren planet

Characters: Thanos, Gamora, and the Red Skull

Context: After Thanos and Gamora arrive on Vormir, they begin to search for the Soul Stone. The Red Skull, who has been guarding the Stone for centuries, appears to them.


Thanos: (to Gamora) We're close. I can feel it.

Gamora: (skeptical) You're sure this is the right place?

Thanos: (confidently) I've studied the ancient texts. This is where the Soul Stone lies.

Red Skull: (appearing) Ah, Thanos. I've been expecting you.

Thanos: (surprised) The Red Skull. I didn't know you were still alive.

Red Skull: (smirking) I've been waiting for someone worthy to claim the Soul Stone. And I think you might just be that person.

Gamora: (alarmed) What do you mean?

Red Skull: (leaning in) To claim the Soul Stone, you must first sacrifice something precious. Something that holds great value to you.

Thanos: (intrigued) And what would that be?

Red Skull: (smiling) A soul. A soul that is dear to you.

Gamora: (horrified) No! You can't mean...

Thanos: (interrupting) Gamora, don't be foolish. This is the only way to obtain the Soul Stone.

Gamora: (desperate) Thanos, please! You can't do this!

Thanos: (coldly) I have no choice. The fate of the universe depends on it.

Action: Thanos and Gamora engage in a fierce battle, with Thanos determined to claim the Soul Stone and Gamora fighting to protect her own soul. The Red Skull watches with a mixture of fascination and disdain, knowing that the outcome will be catastrophic.

Emotional resonance: This scene would add a new layer of complexity to Thanos' character, highlighting his willingness to sacrifice even those he cares about in order to achieve his goal. It would also deepen the emotional stakes for Gamora, who is forced to confront the possibility of losing her own soul. The Red Skull's presence would add an air of menace and foreboding, hinting at the dark consequences that will unfold.

Visuals: The scene would feature a stark, desolate landscape, with the Red Skull's eerie presence adding to the sense of unease. The battle between Thanos and Gamora would be intense and brutal, with a focus on the emotional toll it takes on both characters. The Soul Stone itself would be depicted as a glowing, otherworldly artifact, radiating an aura of power and danger.