Avengers endgame new hero girl name

Exciting question!

Since Avengers: Endgame introduced a new generation of heroes, I'll suggest some name options for a new female hero:

  1. Astrid Starling - Astrid means "divine strength" and Starling is a nod to the celestial theme.
  2. Nova Spire - Nova means "new" and Spire evokes a sense of strength and resilience.
  3. Luna Nightshade - Luna is the Latin word for moon, and Nightshade adds a touch of mystery and power.
  4. Aria Flynn - Aria is a melodic name that means "air" or "melody," and Flynn adds a sense of adventure and bravery.
  5. Zephyr Wilder - Zephyr means "west wind" and Wilder conveys a sense of freedom and untamed energy.
  6. Piper Blackwood - Piper is a name that means "one who plays the pipes," and Blackwood adds a sense of darkness and intensity.
  7. Remi Ravenwood - Remi is a short and snappy name that means "oarsman," and Ravenwood adds a touch of mystery and intelligence.
  8. Lyra Stormbringer - Lyra is a musical instrument, and Stormbringer is a powerful name that suggests the ability to harness the elements.
  9. Vesper Valtor - Vesper means "evening star," and Valtor is a strong and regal name that suggests leadership and authority.
  10. Kaida Kestrel - Kaida is a Japanese name that means "between the ages," and Kestrel is a bird of prey that suggests agility and quick thinking.

Which one do you like the most?