Avengers 4 new set photos

Exciting news! New set photos from Avengers 4 have been surfacing online, giving us a glimpse into the highly anticipated movie. Here are some of the latest photos:

Warning: Spoilers ahead!

  1. Captain Marvel's arrival: A photo shows Brie Larson, aka Captain Marvel, arriving on set in her iconic suit. She's surrounded by crew members and security personnel.
  2. Thor's new look: Chris Hemsworth, aka Thor, was spotted on set with a new haircut and a more rugged appearance. His character is expected to undergo significant changes in the movie.
  3. The Avengers assemble: A photo shows the main cast, including Robert Downey Jr. (Iron Man), Chris Evans (Captain America), Scarlett Johansson (Black Widow), Jeremy Renner (Hawkeye), and Mark Ruffalo (Hulk), gathered on set.
  4. New characters: A photo shows a group of new characters, including a young boy and a woman, who are believed to be part of the movie's storyline.
  5. The Quantum Realm: A photo shows a scene where the Avengers are exploring the Quantum Realm, a mysterious dimension that plays a significant role in the movie.
  6. The Battle of Earth: A photo shows a massive battle scene on Earth, with the Avengers fighting against an unknown enemy.
  7. The return of a beloved character: A photo shows a character who was thought to be dead, but is now back in the mix. Fans are speculating that it might be a certain someone from the Marvel Cinematic Universe...

These photos have sparked a lot of excitement among fans, and we can't wait to see what the movie has in store for us. Avengers 4 is set to release on May 3, 2019.

What do you think about these new set photos? Are you excited for the movie?