Avenatti new hands over tape in r kelly probe

You're referring to the recent development in the R. Kelly investigation!

For those who may not be aware, Michael Avenatti, the lawyer who previously represented Stormy Daniels in her lawsuit against President Donald Trump, has been involved in the R. Kelly case. Avenatti has been working with a woman who claims to have a videotape that shows R. Kelly engaging in sexual activity with a minor.

On February 14, 2019, Avenatti announced that he had turned over the tape to law enforcement officials in Illinois, where R. Kelly is facing multiple charges related to child pornography and other sexual misconduct allegations.

The tape, which is reportedly around 45 minutes long, allegedly shows R. Kelly engaging in sexual activity with a minor who is between the ages of 13 and 14. Avenatti has claimed that the tape is authentic and that it was recorded in the late 1990s.

The Chicago Police Department has confirmed that they have received the tape and are investigating its contents. The FBI is also involved in the investigation.

R. Kelly has denied any wrongdoing and has maintained his innocence throughout the allegations against him. However, the new evidence could potentially add to the mounting pressure on the singer to face justice.

It's worth noting that Avenatti has been involved in several high-profile cases, including the Stormy Daniels lawsuit and the Nike college basketball scandal. His involvement in the R. Kelly case has raised questions about his motives and whether he is seeking to profit from the singer's legal troubles.

Regardless of Avenatti's motivations, the new evidence could potentially bring R. Kelly one step closer to facing justice for his alleged crimes.