Avast version 17 stuck on updting to new version


Avast version 17 is an older version, and it's not uncommon for updates to take a while or get stuck. Here are some troubleshooting steps to help you resolve the issue:

  1. Restart your computer: Sometimes, a simple reboot can resolve the issue. Try restarting your computer and then try updating Avast again.
  2. Check for conflicts with other software: Other software or antivirus programs might be interfering with the update process. Try temporarily disabling any other antivirus programs or security software and see if the update works.
  3. Clear the Avast cache: Clearing the Avast cache can help resolve issues with updates. To do this:
    • Open the Avast UI and go to "Settings" (or "General" in older versions).
    • Click on "Update" and then "Clear cache".
    • Restart your computer and try updating Avast again.
  4. Check for corrupted files: Corrupted files can cause issues with updates. Try running the Avast repair tool:
    • Open the Avast UI and go to "Settings" (or "General" in older versions).
    • Click on "Troubleshooting" and then "Repair Avast".
    • Follow the prompts to run the repair tool.
  5. Update manually: If the automatic update doesn't work, you can try updating Avast manually:
    • Go to the Avast website and download the latest version of Avast.
    • Run the downloaded installer and follow the prompts to update Avast.
  6. Check for Windows updates: Ensure your Windows operating system is up to date, as outdated Windows versions can cause issues with software updates, including Avast.
  7. Contact Avast support: If none of the above steps work, you can contact Avast support for further assistance. They may be able to provide additional troubleshooting steps or help you resolve the issue.

Remember to always keep your antivirus software up to date to ensure you have the latest protection against malware and other online threats.