Ava or tripp new frontier

You're referring to the popular TV shows "Ava" and "Tripp"!

"Ava" is a 2020 American drama television series that premiered on The CW. The show is set in the 1950s and follows the story of Ava Barkley, a wealthy and beautiful woman who is trapped in a loveless marriage. The series explores themes of identity, power, and social change during a tumultuous period in American history.

"Tripp" is a 2022 American comedy-drama television series that premiered on Apple TV+. The show is set in the 1990s and follows the story of Tripp, a charismatic and confident teenager who is struggling to find his place in the world. The series explores themes of identity, family, and coming-of-age during a pivotal moment in American history.

Both shows have received critical acclaim for their unique storytelling, strong characters, and historical context. If you're interested in watching either show, I recommend checking out reviews and trailers to get a better sense of which one might be more to your liking!