Automotive technician jobs in new zealand

Here are some automotive technician job opportunities in New Zealand:

Job Listings:

  1. Automotive Technician at Toyota New Zealand (Auckland) - $55,000 - $70,000 per year
    • Responsible for diagnosing and repairing vehicles, as well as performing routine maintenance tasks.
  2. Mechanic/Automotive Technician at AA New Zealand (Wellington) - $45,000 - $60,000 per year
    • Carry out vehicle repairs, maintenance, and inspections, as well as provide excellent customer service.
  3. Automotive Technician at Ford New Zealand (Auckland) - $50,000 - $65,000 per year
    • Diagnose and repair vehicles, as well as perform routine maintenance tasks, including oil changes and tire rotations.
  4. Mechanic/Automotive Technician at Winger Motors (Hamilton) - $40,000 - $55,000 per year
    • Carry out vehicle repairs, maintenance, and inspections, as well as provide excellent customer service.
  5. Automotive Technician at Honda New Zealand (Auckland) - $55,000 - $70,000 per year
    • Diagnose and repair vehicles, as well as perform routine maintenance tasks, including oil changes and tire rotations.

Job Requirements:

Certifications and Licenses:

Salary Range:

Job Outlook:

Additional Tips: